Odd Multics behaviors

Corrected master directory UID in header

If you salvage a newly minted RPV disk:

bce (boot) 2059.0: M-> [auto-input] boot rpvs star

2059.4  salvage_pv: Volume salvage of dska_01a, volume rpv of logical vol root.
Salvaging >dumps.
Salvaging >lv.
Salvager reported
04  Corrected master directory UID in header
Salvaging >system_control_1.
Salvager reported
04  Corrected master directory UID in header
Salvaging >reload_dir.
Salvager reported
04  Corrected master directory UID in header
Salvaging >system_library_obsolete.
Salvager reported
04  Corrected master directory UID in header
Salvaging >system_library_standard.
Salvager reported
04  Corrected master directory UID in header
Salvaging >system_library_tandd.
Salvager reported
04  Corrected master directory UID in header
Salvaging >system_library_tools.
Salvager reported
04  Corrected master directory UID in header
Salvaging >system_library_unbundled.
Salvager reported
04  Corrected master directory UID in header
Salvaging >documentation.
Salvager reported
04  Corrected master directory UID in header
Salvaging >library_dir_dir.
Salvager reported
04  Corrected master directory UID in header
Salvaging >system_library_3rd_party.
Salvager reported
04  Corrected master directory UID in header
Salvaging >user_dir_dir.
Salvager reported
04  Corrected master directory UID in header
Salvaging >daemon_dir_dir.
Salvager reported
04  Corrected master directory UID in header
Salvaging >site.
Salvager reported
04  Corrected master directory UID in header
Salvaging >system_library_auth_maint.
Salvager reported
04  Corrected master directory UID in header
>: Directory quota used changed from 735 to 709.

pxss time out

commit ac3701 (2015-08-15), MR12.3_install:

00:44:22  2249  s0   >system_library_1: Segment quota used changed from 420 to 1046.
00:45:12 ^G2250.8  pxss: notify time out: event=230447666437, pid=004200112025

project SysAdmin on free list state nonzero

commit ac3701 (2015-08-15), SVE setup:

00:02:06 archive: >user_dir_dir>SysAdmin>a>SysEng.pmf appended to >user_dir_dir>SysAdmin>a>pmf.archive
00:02:07 r 06:36 7.907 84
00:02:07 M-> [auto-input] pause 20
00:02:07 ^G 0636  as   up_sat_: project SysAdmin on free list state nonzero
00:02:07  0636  as   up_sysctl_: Installed sat for Initializer.SysDaemon.z. (1 pending)
00:02:07  0636  as   up_sysctl_: Installed SysEng.pdt for Initializer.SysDaemon.z.

Use of star convention resulted in no match. >doc>MR12.5>!*

commit ac3701 (2015-08-15), 12.5 upgrade:

ec 12.5.cleanup_library
Warning: Once this exec_com is run it will be impossible
to revert to the previous release.

Do you wish to continue?  Type yes to delete old software.   y
Beginning deletions.  This ec may take a while to run.  Be patient.
l_delete: Use of star convention resulted in no match. >ldd>firmware>!*
l_delete: Use of star convention resulted in no match. >doc>MR12.5>!*
cleanup_libraries: About 30% complete.
cleanup_libraries: About 60% complete.
cleanup_libraries: About 90% complete.
cleanup_library: Deletion of old software is complete.
To delete Installation Libraries type "dd >ldd>MR12.5".

act_ctl_: discrepancy

 0800  as   act_ctl_: discrepancy of 0.03 mins
 0800  as   act_ctl_: changing shift from 3 to 1
 0800  as   act_ctl_: discrepancy of 0.03 mins

TVV: "this says that the hardcore total process CPU does not match the total charged.
every so often the accounting software runs and peeks into the hardcore to
find some metering totals, and compares it to the total it accounted for.
it finds the amount to account for from other scheduler totals, i would have to look
deep into process accounting to trace it back.

"this check was originally put in to make sure that some process wasn't using
CPU time but somehow avoiding being charged for it. i don't think it came out
during normal operation but it might have happened if a CPU was halted from the
control panel, in which case we would have just ignored it."

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